Project Afarcloud







+60 participants

Technology used

SS system, humidity sensors and calculation algorithms.


Project description

AFarCloud will enable the integration and cooperation of cyber-physical agricultural systems in real time in order to increase efficiency, productivity, animal health, food quality and reduce farm labour costs.

The AFarCloud project also aims to make agricultural robots accessible to a wider range of users, allowing agricultural vehicles to work in a cooperative mesh, thus opening up new applications and ensuring reusability, as heterogeneous standard vehicles can combine their capabilities to increase farmers’ income and reduce labour costs.

AFarCloud’s achievements will be demonstrated in 3 holistic demonstrators (Finland, Spain and Italy), including crop and livestock management scenarios and 8 local demonstrators (Latvia, Sweden, Spain and Czech Republic) in order to test specific functionalities and validate project results in relevant environments located in different European regions.


Afarcloud Description
Afarcloud Development

Reply from Encore-Lab

Encore-Lab participates as task leader in WP3 and has contributed with humidity sensors and irrigation needs calculation algorithms in the AS04 demonstrator, as well as the implementation of a decision support system or DSS with connectivity to the afarcloud MMT.



The results of AFarCloud will strengthen the partners’ position in the market, boosting their innovation capacity and addressing industrial needs both at EU and international level.

The consortium represents the entire value chain of ICT-based agricultural solutions, including all key actors necessary for the development, demonstration and future market uptake of the project’s target precision farming framework.


Afarcloud Results