Project Humecfo
Project description
Reduction and efficient use of phytosanitary treatments for pear black spot by improving the calculation accuracy of the “BSPCast” model with ultra-low-cost leaf wetting sensors in plots”.
The project is based on the need for a wide margin of improvement in the application of an efficient number of phytosanitary treatments if the precision of the calculation of the “BSPCast” model is improved by having wetting measurements associated with each plot, as it would be possible to obtain specific and personalised outputs for each plot.

Reply from Encore-Lab
Encore Lab developed a leaf wetness sensor that is integrated into a Cesens micro station also developed ad hoc.
The reduction of phytosanitary treatments against black spot of pear using as a reference the “risk index” of the “BSPcast” model with particularised wetting data on specific plots. Increased productivity/hectare and reduced emissions.